Alabama Language Institute

Alabama Language Institute logo

Alabama Language Institute's Mission Statement:

Using modern technology and a variety of classroom teaching methods, Alabama Language Institute aims to

  • Prepare students for a successful academic experience in a U.S. college or university.
  • 帮助 students obtain an adequate score on the TOEFL.
  • Improve English language skills for professionals in the workplace.
  • Provide a nurturing environment conducive to learning.
  • 国际ize the larger institution and promote the cultural diversity of the campus.
  • Encourage students to respect cultures different from their own and play a role in promoting peace and understanding in the world.


  • 始于1973年.
  • First language institute in Alabama.
  • Only Intensive English Program at a community college in Alabama.
  • Recognized as the oldest in the Southeast by National Association of Foreign Student Advisors (NAFSA).



学生 with the Alabama Language Institute signage


  • 低成本
  • 小班授课
  • Individual Attention
  • Longevity and Experience
  • 1st Language Diversity in Student Population

ALI programming usually also includes:

  • Student Advising (Required Twice Per Semester)
  • 文化研讨会
  • Conversation Partners
  • 实地考察旅行
  • Practice TOEFL Exams
  • 国际 Education Week (Fall)
  • 国际 Festival (Spring)


ALI courses provide practice in all four major language skills: reading, 写作, listening and speaking. 学生 are given a computerized placement test, interview and written diagnostic during the student’s first term and are then placed into the appropriate level according to scores on the ESL Placement test.

ALI 联系信息rmation: 256-549-8446


Level 1/2: Beginning Level 3/4: Intermediate Level 5/6: Advanced 学分
语法 语法 语法 3
阅读 阅读 阅读 3
作文  作文 作文 3
Listening/Speaking Listening/Speaking Listening/Speaking 3
词汇1 词汇表2 词汇表3  3
发音1 发音2 托福考试策略 3


Time 周一 周二 周三 周四 星期五
8 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.   发音   发音  
9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. 阅读 口语/听力 阅读 口语/听力  
11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.  作文 语法 作文 语法  
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. 午餐 午餐 午餐 午餐  
1:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. 词汇表   词汇表    


Estimated 费用 for Alabama Language Institute
(1 Semester = 16 weeks)

Estimated ALI 费用 秋季学期
(8月. 2022年12月22日. 20, 2023)
(1月. 9, 2023 – May 11, 2023)
(May 31, 2023 – Aug. 9, 2023)

 1. 学费 (18 credit hours at $291 per credit hour)*

 $5,238  $5,238  $5,238
 2. 书籍及用品**   $   350 $   350 $   350
 3. 医疗保险 

 $   514

$   514

$   284

 4. 食宿****  $2,400 $2,400 $1,500
    One time dorm deposit  $   200 $   200 $   200
 总数  $8,702 $8,702 $7,572

Estimated cost for 2 semesters: $17,204 ($200 dorm deposit is one time only) (June-August not included).
Personal spending varies, but $225 per month is average.

Explanation of expenses for each item listed above:

NOTE: Additional expenses include expenses between semesters and on holidays, 衣服, 洗衣, 个人需求. If the student lives off-campus and/or purchases a car, additional expenses will exceed the average.

Important 信息rmation

食宿 is not guaranteed until paid in full. 学费 and medical insurance must be paid in full at the time of registration. These expenses can be paid by money order, 现金, 信用卡(Visa), Master Card or American Express), 旅行支票, or by a 现金ier’s check from a U.S. bank or institution, or wire transfer.