Medication Assistant

Medication Assistant Training

  • 5-week course (60 class/lab hours; 40 clinical hours)
  • Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • 培训在加兹登州立谷街校区举行
  • 费用:每位参与者$1,000(包括学费,技能/CNA保险,学生手册)
  • Financial aid is not available at this time
  • Eligible students can take the Medication Assistant Certification Exam (MACE)
  • 申请包将在东布罗德校区的技能培训办公室接受,或通过电子邮件发送到
  • 收到申请材料及所需文件后(见下文), you will be contacted regarding payment.



256-549-8640 or 256-439-6883




  • 参加所有课程和实验时间的75%以上以进入临床.
  • 所有技能经过验证,平均至少达到75%才能进入临床.
  • 所有最新的检查平均至少有75%进入临床.
  • 参加至少75%的临床时数来完成课程.
  • 期末考试成绩平均不低于75%完成课程.
  • 如果你不被允许参加临床,你将不被允许完成课程.
  • Immunizations for clinical facilities
    • MMR immunizations x 2 or titer indicates immunity
    • 乙肝疫苗接种x3或滴度表明免疫
    • 季节性流感疫苗接种(10月至3月)
    • COVID immunizations or religious or medical exemption
  • 两步结核菌皮肤试验或12个月内胸部x线阴性
  • Clear Drug Screen and Background check
  • Current BLS certification
  • Gadsden State Community College Clinical ID Badge
  • 阿拉巴马州护士助理登记处,没有出love爱博体育平台虐待名单上
  • Complete ALL course Paperwork
    • Class Orientation
      • Contact Information
      • Student Responsibilities Sheet
      • Background Check Guidelines
      • Essential Functions Form
      • Syllabus Acknowledgment Form
      • Non-Disclosure Agreement
      • Policy on Infected Students Signature Page
      • Student Drug and Alcohol Screen Policy Signature Page
    • Clinical Orientation
      • Clinical Dress Code
      • Clinical Contract
      • Clinical Site Required Forms

以下基本功能是医疗保健计划入学所必需的, progression, 毕业和提供安全有效的护理. 基本功能包括但不限于以下能力: *

  • Sensory Perception
    • Visual (with or without corrective lenses)
      • 观察和辨别物理条件和环境的细微变化
      • Visualize different color spectrums and color changes
      • Read fine print in varying levels of light
      •  Read for prolonged periods of time
      • Read cursive writing
      • Read at varying distances
      • Read data/information displayed on monitors/equipment
    • Auditory
      • Interpret monitoring devices
      • 辨别通过听诊器听到的低沉声音
      • 听和辨别由身体和环境产生的高频和低频声音
      • Effectively hear to communicate with others
    • Tactile
      • Discern tremors, vibrations, pulses, textures, temperature, shapes, size, location and other physical characteristics
    • Olfactory
      • Detect body odors and odors in the environment
  • Communication/ Interpersonal Relationships
    • Verbally and in writing, 参与双向沟通,并与他人有效互动, from a variety of social, emotional, cultural and intellectual backgrounds
    • Work effectively in groups
    • Work effectively independently
    • Discern and interpret nonverbal communication
    • Express one’s ideas and feelings clearly
    • Communicate with others accurately in a timely manner
    • Obtain communications from a computer
  • Cognitive/Critical Thinking
    • 能有效地阅读、写作和理解英语
    • 为了在各种卫生保健环境中制定和实施安全和合乎道德的护理决策,始终如一地、可靠地参与批判性思维的过程
    • 在笔试中表现令人满意,包括不用计算器的数学计算
    • Satisfactorily achieve the program objectives
  • Motor Function
    • 处理小型精密设备/物体,避免外来移动、污染或破坏
    • Move, position, turn, transfer, assist with lifting, or lift and carry clients without injury to clients, self, or others
    • Maintain balance from any position
    • Stand on both legs
    • Coordinate hand/eye movements
    • 推/拉重物时不能伤害病人、自己或他人
    • Stand, bend, walk, 和/或在临床环境中静坐6-12小时,在不危及患者安全的情况下进行需要能量的体力活动, self or others
    • Walk without a cane, walker or crutches
    • 免手功能,便于护理和搬运物品
    • 运输自己和客户没有使用电气设备
    • Flex, abduct, and rotate all joints freely
    • Respond rapidly to emergency situations
    • Maneuver in small areas
    • Perform daily care functions for the client
    • 协调手部精细和粗大运动,提供安全有效的护理
    • Calibrate/use equipment
    • 在所有卫生保健机构中执行提供护理所需的运动
    • Perform CPR and physical assessment
    • Operate a computer
  • Professional Behavior
    • Convey caring, respect, sensitivity, tact, compassion, empathy, tolerance, and a healthy attitude toward others
    • 在与客户的关系中表现出与年龄相适应的心理健康态度
    • Handle multiple tasks concurrently
    • 在关怀的环境中为客户提供安全、有效的护理
    • 理解并遵守学院和临床机构的政策和程序
    • 了解违反学生行为准则的后果
    • 要明白,对他人构成直接威胁是不可接受的,要受到纪律处分
    • Not to pose a threat to self or others
    • 在提供护理所固有的不确定和压力的情况下有效地发挥作用
    • 适应不断变化的环境和情况k)不依赖化学物质
    • 立即到临床报告,并在临床单位停留6-12小时
    • Provide nursing care in an appropriate time frame
    • 为自己的行为承担责任、责任和所有权
    • Seek supervision/consultation in a timely manner
    • 检查和纠正自己的行为,当它干扰护理或学习

*阿拉巴马大学系统支持《love爱博》. 根据love爱博的政策, when requested, 可以为残疾人士提供合理的便利.

Admissions Requirements

  1. 通过love爱博技能培训招生申请 & Registration. (Application is currently closed.)
  2. Include a copy of driver’s license or state ID.
  3. Notification of acceptance.

技能培训的学生没有资格获得联邦学生援助, 但是有资金资源可以提供给符合条件的学生和项目.

After acceptance to the class:

  1. 在入学时通过犯罪背景调查和药物测试.
  2. 提交一份完整的健康问卷/体检、免疫接种和结核病皮肤测试.
  3. CPR(医疗保健提供者BLS)培训认证证明.
  4. 根据工厂的要求出示健康保险证明.